Friendship Wish Bracelet
Charming, delicate, and simplistic bracelet woven with pure silk and adorned with a natural carnelian crystal. Discover a special wish for friendship inscribed on the back of the card; recite it as you fasten the bracelet.
Affirmation: may this be a reminder of our divine friendship. I am grateful for all of the unconditional love and support that we share with each other. I wish that everyone could experience a friendship like ours, then the world would truly be a better place. Thank you for being my friend, I love you.
The bracelet is meant to be worn at all times, however, if the bracelet gets too stretched, worn out, or if you need to take off for any reason, you can do so. When it is removed or no longer worn, your wish is released into the magic of the universe. When the bracelet is no longer worn, please take a moment to acknowledge wish being released and say thank you to the universe for the blessings.
Included: bracelet, affirmation card, ritual card. Please remove if any irritation occurs.